Stafford Betty, Ph.D.
The Afterlife Unveiled
What happens to us when we die? Many think of heaven as an unimaginable state of bliss. As for hell, it's far out of proportion to any sin we might have committed and makes a travesty of God. But what if the afterlife was something very different?
Three decades of research have taught me where the most reliable sources are found. These accounts are far better developed and more plausible than anything found in the world's scriptures or theologies. We hunger for a reliable revelation telling us that life here and now is meaningful and good, that each of us has an important part to play in its proper unfolding, that we are accountable for all we do, and that the spirit-denying materialism all around us is a mistake. The world ahead, unlike ours, is fascinating and fair.
This is my bestselling book. It’s a great place to begin your exploration into the world beyond death.
"Well done, Dr. Betty! I found this book on the afterlife not only interesting but inspiring. It seems an invitation and reminder to engage in our progression on the earthly plain. I heartily agree that we progress here (and apparently in the Afterworld) by admitting defects in our character, serving others, and yearning for the higher states. This is consistent with all the past and living saints and masters who invite is to be steadfast on the spiritual and personal journey. Dr. Betty has done a great thing in pulling these writings together and has presented it well. I will be recommending it to many of my clients who consistently ask questions about the afterlife. The final chapter which summarizes the book's teachings is very helpful."
~ David Atkins, former United Methodist Pastor, currently Marriage and Family Therapist
"I LOVED this book. The author, a professor religion, wants to help people form a more realistic view of the afterlife than the ones offered by religions (Christianity in particular with its limited view of either hell with fire and eternal punishment, or heaven with harps and clouds.)
Each chapter focuses on one medium/spirit and gives a brief intro about them. The are lots of direct quotes from the spirits about different aspects of the afterlife, like: what different regions (spheres) of the afterlife exist; what people do in the afterlife; what our soul's purpose is; where corrupt evil-doers go and what "evil" forces really are; and much more.
The last chapter summarizes 44 points about the afterlife (as covered in the book) that seem the most interesting to the author. Some of these points include, randomly (and I quote from the book):
2. The Afterworld begins at the earth's surface and extends outward....
4. Earth's slow vibrations dumb down our ability to sense the presence of spirit, including the Divine....
5. The newly "dead" are thoroughly themselves when they pass. Their personalities, habits, and character, for better for worse, are completely intact.
7. ... life in the astral is more vivid and intense then on earth, not more ghostly....
10. AD Mattson's trip to other inhabited planets revealed a divine plan very much like the one just sketched....
11. The Afterlife is a broad-based society of every conceivable kind of person, most of them flawed and incomplete in some way....
16. Many astral inhabitants maintain a lively interest in the events of Earth and long to help it progress...
21. There are hellish regions in the astral, and large populations that make their home there....
26. There are three basic ways to progress in the Afterlife:...
28. There are no masks in the astral. You cannot hide from others what you are....
32. Spirits in the astral meet Christ-like beings....
Overall, if you want to know what you have to look forward to when you pass over, you will enjoy this book very much, and it will give you a solid overview of what the spirits tell us about the afterlife. And this book will introduce you to seven of the best books from mediums/spirts, if you don't already know of them.
~ Cat Whipple
What happens to us when we die? It is the universal question. Every civilization and culture has asked this question and sought to answer it through religion and philosophy. Stafford Betty’s The Afterlife Unveiled seeks to answer these questions. Betty's compilation of sources spans decades and includes mediums, or communicators, who have no way of knowing each other or what previous communications have been made. Together they weave a common narrative that enlightens as much as it astounds. Betty acknowledges that mediums may taint the information transmitted through them, but maintains his confidence that what he has presented is truly from the Other Side. Those who pass speak of a world of vivid colors where sound has a melody and cathedrals and schools exist. Souls continue to learn and grow. The departed don’t just speak about what the next life is like, but speak explicitly about what the “purpose of life is here and now” for the living.
~ Janell Rhiannon, Fantasy, Mythology and More blog